

10” x 20”; Acrylic on canvas; 2014

I painted “Spring” as an ode to my first garden. My husband and I were living in our first home in Milwaukee, and the garden had been neglected for several years and was overgrown and unkempt. I didn’t know where to start….so I didn’t! One day, my best friend showed at my door with a couple of shovels and trowels, and informed me that we were tackling the garden and we were doing it now. (I love that woman.) We spent the day pulling weeds, turning up dirt (and playing in it), and planting flowers. At the end of the day, we were both covered in dirt from head to toe and I had fallen deeply in love with gardening. Looking back, the garden wasn’t especially impressive, but it was the catalyst for what has become one of my greatest passions: gardening. There are fewer things that bring me more satisfaction than planting something and watching it grow.

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